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Spring Fundraiser – $10,000 Match on April 24th


Wildlife Wednesday is Greenwood’s Spring one-day online fundraiser. Each year, we host this day of giving to benefit the patients at our facility. In 2023, we are calling all wildlife-loving altruists to help us upgrade our outdoor bird aviaries and stock supplies. Your gift will help cover the $60,000+ we will spend on medications, vaccines, food, and formula this year. Beyond that expenditure, we also need to renovate our outdoor bird enclosures with fresh mesh siding. Your contribution will be doubled today and make a monumental difference for the animals that need us.

Thanks to a generous board member, all gifts toward Wildlife Wednesday to date will be matched up to $10,000.
You can feel good knowing your donation will go twice as far for the wild animals in our care.

Read about one such critter your donations help, a Bohemian Waxwing rehabilitated at Greenwood. This brightly colored, berry-hungry bird was found in Lakewood, unable to fly. The wing was visibly broken, likely from hitting a nearby window. It was clear to rehabilitators that the radius ulna (a bone in the upper part of the wing) was fractured, and there was excessive soft tissue damage throughout. After medicating, the team used a special wing-wrapping technique to keep the fracture in place without constricting the bird’s breathing. For the next few days, the waxwing received medications, gobs of fruit, and fresh wing wraps. The broken bone began to heal, and by the third week at the Center, the waxwing was able to fly for short spurts. This breakthrough prompted staff to move the patient to an outdoor enclosure where it could strengthen its wing muscles. While the bird worked on healing, our team worked on locating migrating waxwings. Nearly a week later, our patient was flying steadily, and rehabilitators had found a nearby flock for it to migrate with! You can watch its majestic release in the video below. Help animals like this Bohemian Waxwing fly high once again by donating today, Wildlife Wednesday.